French food observatory

The Oqali project has been set up in February 2008 by the ministries in charge of agriculture, health and consumption.

The implementation of Oqali has been entrusted to a research institute, INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food ans Environment) and to a food safety agency, ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety).

The Oqali project aims at monitoring changes in processed foods supply available on the French market, by measuring nutritional quality evolution, over time (nutritional composition and labelling information).

Oqali's key findings

Oqali database

The Oqali database includes a large part of the information available upon the packaging of processed food products on the French market (nutritional composition, ingredients, etc.). It is structured into food category, which each are regularly collected in order to follow the evolution of the food offer over time (thus, all food categories are not collected the same year and the information made available correspond to the products available on the market at a time t).

For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Oqali database